Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Grand Scheme

So here are some ideas I've been percolating for the blog. Just a heads up to what people can expect here over the next few weeks or months depending on my posting diligence. Also happy to have feedback on spinoff ideas or preferences people have for one topic over another.

Paper Prototype: Kart Racer
One of the ideas my team worked on at the Game Design Workshop a couple of years ago. Exploring it and expanding it, since I kind of liked the game we were building. Like the Pac Man articles, this will eventually include playtest data and sort of a behind the scenes of the evolution of the game, assuming it doesn't fall apart.

Paper Prototype: Communication
Game about the spread of information. It began as the player being a piece of information traveling from node to node.It's currently about the player setting up a network of nodes to propagate information. Updates will probably be made based off of my current reading of The Tipping Point as well.

Replay - The Ferry design, part 1
Exploration of one of my idea database games. Players can explore different roles and extensive replayability in an environment constrained in both space and time.

Emergence and the Simulation Uncanny Valley
Examining the tie between affordances, simulation depth and the uncanny valley. The more options you allow, the more that the small things you didn't include will stand out.

Episodes and Character Attachment
Does an episodic structure lead to closer player attachment to characters? Not sure if this topic has legs or not, but it interests me.

Design of Everyday Games
A series applying Donald Norman's design principles directly to game design.

Murder Simulator
Another game from the idea vault. Detective sim with procedurally generated crimes.

Dwarf Fortress Interface Design
Usability centered examination and interface overhaul on Dwarf Fortress, a gem buried beneath a scary pile of menus and ASCII characters.

Cog updates
Work in progress updates for a side project. Cog is an exploratory platformer along the lines of Metroid or Knytt but the world exists on varying scales that the player can access by inhabiting different sized avatars.

Dungeon Masters as Game Designers
Looking at the inherent skills and lessons learned while Game Mastering pen and paper RPGs and how these can be quite valuable as a game designer.

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